
Edelweiss? That's a mountain flower! Yeah, that's right. Edelweiss is a German word meaning something like noble whiteness. In book blogger circles Edelweiss could be better known as interactive publisher catalogs. Here's what it says on their homepage:


What is Edelweiss?
  • an online, interactive, cross-publisher catalog service that supplements or replaces traditional hard-copy publisher catalogs
  • a customer relationship management service that allows reps, publicists or other authorized persons in a publishing house to…
    • manage their own contact lists
    • create their own catalogs targeted to specific audiences
    • share catalogs and title information by email, the web or printable pdfs
    • take requests from accounts and key contacts
  • a system for publishers to take requests or proactively share secure, DRM-protected Digital Review Copies       
  • an interactive research tool for librarians, bloggers, reviewers, rights acquirers to find titles either by catalog or any number of filters

How does it work?
  • any catalog ‘reader’ can access and interact with the system for free
  • catalog are created by publisher based on a combination of ONIX/basic metadata feeds, supplemental feeds of enhanced content and a catalog administration web site
  • a publisher user can share information with targets based on having their email addresses, whether or not they are Edelweiss users themselves

 Who’s using it? 
  • most of the major book retailers and wholesalers in the United States
  • a worldwide group of book industry professionals

How do I find out more?

  • Visit the Edelweiss home page to browse Edelweiss. Here you can also register for a free account that will give you access to additional features. Edelweiss is completely free to publishing industry professionals - including retailers, librarians, media, bloggers, publicists, etc.  In addition, we offer free, live webcast demonstrations twice a week, and free personalized online training sessions.  If you'd like to attend, sign up for a session here.


Some review titles that could interest you!

I love Netgalley and get many of my ARCs through it. Edelweiss is another great opportunity to receive e-galleys for review. Registering is easy. So don't hesitate and sign up!

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